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Why Aquapura Potable Tablets?
- It is very important to purify water you drink or use for household/commercial purposes because unwanted germs and bacteria may cause water borne dreaded diseases.
- Aquapura Tablets are an International Method of ridding water off impurities making it absolutely safe to drink or use for other applications. It makes sure that your drinking water is germ free.
- Aquapura Tablets are carefully manufactured to strict specifications using pharmaceutical grade and food grade raw materials and ingredients.
- The packaging and shelf life of Aquapura Tablets has been verified through stability studies performed to International Conference on Harmonization Standards (ICH).
- Aquapura Tablets are Proven to be effective against virtually all known Water Borne Diseases. (Eliminates 99.9% of microorganisms in water-total bactericidal action). Aquapura tablets kill Bacteria, Bacterial Spores, Viruses, Cysts, Algae, Fungi, Protozoa, Entamoeba Histolytica and various other water borne diseases causing germs. It helps in prevention of diseases like Diarrhea, Cholera, Typhoid, Jaundice, Dysentery, Gastro, E. Coli, Shigella Sonnel, Faecal Coliforms, Giardia, Salmonella Thphi, Vibrio Cholera, Streptococcus Faecalis and other water borne diseases which predominantly spread through water contamination & is associated with high mortality rate.
- Aquapura Tablets are formulated to be more effective and convenient than filtering or boiling. Filtering does not destroy impurities, infact it breeds or grows them. Even after filteration, many Water Sources remain contaminated and require some form of disinfection. Dirty/Muddy Water should first be filtered and then treated with Aquapura Tablets to kill unwanted germs and bacteria that cannot be seen through naked eyes. Aquapura Tablets prevent recontamination of water for 48 hours that cannot be achieved by boiling or filtering water. To boil water properly or to get water to a rolling boil, minimum 20-30 minutes of time and considerable amount of energy & utensils is needed. Aquapura Tablet dissolves in water in 5-10 minutes and water is disinfected and safe to consume or use after 30 minutes. Also, volume of water that can be treated with Aquapura Tablets ranges from 1 Litre upto 6000 Litres per Tablet which cannot be achieved in the same time period by boiling water.
- Play it safe with Aquapura Tablets. Mineral Water Bottles sold in the market cannot be trusted. It is often reported that local vendors fill up empty bottles & branded bottles with tap water, seal & sell them as purified water or mineral water. Branded Mineral Water bottles are often duplicated or faked by local vendors by refilling tap water in empty bottles which can cause deadly water borne diseases. Also, Bottled Mineral Water is prone to recontamination after few hours of being filled in the bottle. A solution to mineral water bottles which is expensive, prone to recontamination & often faked/duplicated is offered by our Aquapura Water Purification Tablets providing clean, bacteria and germ free water anytime, anywhere.
Features of Aquapura-Potable Water Purification Tablets:
- Aquapura’s active ingredient is non toxic and has been approved by WHO (World Health Organization) as “fit for prolonged human consumption” since 2003.
- Safe & Compact to handle, store, and transport – no spillages or leaks.
- Safe & recommended for age group with low immunity & higher risk of contacting water borne diseases (such as the elderly and children under 5 years of age.)
- Economic & Accurate – no under or over dosing. Safe, Simple, Easy to Use.
- More Environmental Friendly than alternative disinfectants. Totally biodegradable.
- No unpleasant taste, odour or colour.
- Safe and stable tablets. Sealed in durable packs (strips or plastic containers) marked with Batch/Lot Number; Manufacturing Date and 3-5 Years Expiry date.
- Does not require boiling of water. Aquapura Tablets allow an exact, safe and simple dosage, without the need to boil water; and allowing use at the consumption point, avoiding recontamination of water during its transfer and by its residual action.
- Does not require expensive electrical gadget & in turn electricity, high pressure of water, gas or fuel.
- Aquapura Tablets are used for Life-Long Household Water Treatment. Over 3 Billion Litres of Water per annum is treated worldwide in homes using Aquapura's Ingredient.
Aquapura-Potable Tablets Treat:
- Tap Water
- Hand Pump Water
- Tubewell Water
- Well Water
- Overhead Tank Water
Aquapura-Potable Tablets Purify & Disinfect Water for Use in the following Domestic/Household/Hygiene Applications:

Aquapura-Potable Tablets should be used for Purification & Disinfection of Water in:

Each Uncoated Tablet treats 10 litres of clear water at 2 PPM
How to Use:
- Add 1 Tablet of Aquapura in 10 Litres of Clear Water
- Wait for 30 minutes
- Consume or Use the Water thereafter for intended application
- Incase contamination level of water is high or source of water is unknown, then add 2 Tablets of Aquapura in 10 Litres of Clear Water
Aquapura Tablets should be used with clean / clear water. If the water to be treated is being gathered / used / collected / consumed from a known source (such as with a household/workplace tap water supply), then 1 One Tablet of Aquapura should used to treat 10 Litres of Clear Water. In all other situations, where the source of water is unknown or doubtful (such as with pond/lake water etc.) then 2 Two Tablets of Aquapura should be used for the same volume of water. If the water to be treated is dirty/murky/turbid/muddy then it should be firstly filtered through a cloth such as a t-shirt/filter cloth until clear or allowed to sit until the sediment settles down. The decanted clear water should then be disinfected with 2 Two Tablets of Aquapura.
Store in a cool and dry place.