Aquapura Water Purification Tablets for Emergency / Disaster / Crisis Situations & Relief Management:
Efficacy and Acceptability
Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been trusted and are being used by the world’s leading Aid Agencies, NGO’s, Relief Organizations, UN Organizations, WHO and Peace Keeping / Defence forces worldwide for the treatment of human drinking water in emergency situations. We work with key international NGO’s to reduce suffering during human and natural disasters. We are well positioned in helping with any crisis by virtue of having 25 years experience in responding to disasters around the world. We maintain sufficient stock of Water Purification Tablets to aid speedy distribution when a disaster strikes.
Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been independently tested in field trials worldwide in a very wide range of water types (pH, turbidity, hardness, pathogenic challenge) and have been consistently proven to reduce total and faecal coliform levels (and other microorganisms) to zero or low risk.
We are proud to offer you the following services:
- Effective Water Purification Tablets.
- 24 hours – 7 days – 365 days emergency direct availability via our emergency call system.
- Crisis Readiness – We hold around 25+ million tablets in stock at all times for emergency situations at our New Delhi (India) Warehouse.
- Technical Support – Consider us your technical support partner for all questions and problems.
- Registration Assistance – We offer a full dossier prepration service and important assistance for any registrations you require.
- Regulatory Assistance – We will keep you up to date with new regulations and packaging requirements.
- Library of Studies – Access to our technical library is available to customers.
Logistics – We’ll give you full support with:
- Invoice and Packing List
- Certificates of Analysis
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
- Non Hazardous Declaration
- Non Dangerous (DGR) Goods Declaration
- Documents to get easy and quick Custom Clearence & Airlift Clearence
- Packing Declarations (Net Weight; Gross Weight; Box Dimensions; Shipment Dimensions)
- All other Logistical Matters
- Local language presentation, labeling and packaging
- Fumigation Certificates
- All other logistical matters
- Technical Dossiers
Aquapura Water Purification Tablets are used for making water safe to drink in both emergency / disaster situations and for long term household water treatment.
Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been used for humanitarian aid by all of the world’s leading aid agencies, NGOs and peace keeping / defence forces.
Aquapura Water Purification Tablets ingredient offers significant advantages over old water treatment methods such as chlorine, iodine, bleach / hypochlorite, halazone, chloramines and others in the prevention of cholera, typhoid, dysentery, diarrhoea and other waterborne diseases.
Aquapura Water Purification Tablets are:
Safe - The recognized active ingredient used in Aquapura confirms to international specifications and approvals.
- N.S.F. International (National Sanitation Foundation)
Effective – Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been used worldwide for over two decades in all water variations and have been proven effective in varying water pH levels, hardness & turbidities (the measure of the cloudiness of water).
Simple to use – Just put the tablet into water and wait 30 minutes – simple.
Long Shelf Life – Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have a 3 year shelf-life in bulk plastic container packing or household container packaging and 5 year shelf-life in strip packing in the most challenging tropical conditions.
Easy to transport – Aquapura Water Purification Tablets are dry and are non-hazardous to transport, extremely light and compact.
They are effervescent (self-dissolving) tablets, whose active ingredient is US EPA approved.
Aquapura are used by all of the world’s major aid agencies, NGOs, Relief Organisations, Peace Keeping / Defence Forces and Ministries of Health. Aquapura are also used for water treatment by international tourists in the water systems of RV / camper vans and for marine usage such as in yachts / boats.
The US EPA approved active ingredient used in Aquapura Water Purification Tablets is a chlorine donor, but with unique properties that make it safer and more effective than bleach, iodine, chloramines.
Aquapura for fast treatment of Water:
Dosage is in accordance with published specifications for emergency use at 5 mg per litre chlorine or 5 PPM
S.No | Strength | Volume of Water to be Treated @ 5 PPM |
1 |
Aquapura 8.5 mg |
1 Litre |
2 |
Aquapura 17 mg |
2 Litres |
3 |
Aquapura 33 mg |
5 Litres |
4 |
Aquapura 67 mg |
10 Litres |
5 |
Aquapura 167 mg |
20 Litres |
6 |
Aquapura 1.67 gm |
200 Litres |
7 |
Aquapura 8.68 gm |
1000 Litres |
AQUAPURA Big Strength Tablets and Granules-For all volumes greater than 1000 litres.
All tablets dissolve in less than 5 minutes and have a 30 minute treatment time.1.) Emergency Water Purification - Disaster Relief
After a disaster in a region, the aid agencies/government/relief organizations are not always prepared to supply large volumes of safe, potable drinking water. They may not have the best tools available when it comes to emergency water purification or water treatment systems, designed for disaster response.
One of the first priorities after a natural disaster is safe, potable drinking water. However, municipal water treatment systems are often one of the first municipal services to fail or become compromised after a natural disaster or boil water advisory. Earthquakes or other disasters like tsunamis could create flooding that often causes contamination, power outages or blackouts. System failures also physically disrupt distribution lines.
The task of supplying emergency bottled water to the regions affected by disaster may be overwhelming or simply not possible. Bringing in complex water treatment systems that require electricity, technical support and heavy logistics is often wrought with delays and consumes an incredible amount of financial resources. Cost effective, rapidly deployable emergency water purification solutions must be top priority. Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been specifically designed with the application of being a disaster response product:
- Have you calculated how much water your community requires post disaster?
- WHO recommends 5 Litres per person per day.
- Multiply WHO recommendation of 5 Litres water per person per day x target population of disaster struck area x 7 days.
- Have you developed a plan to source the required volumes of water?
- What if emergency bottled water is not available?
Delays in providing safe, potable drinking water to the affected region results in disaster, with survivors having no choice but to drink from contaminated water sources. The impact of contaminated water often has the potential to create more casualties than the original disaster itself. An effective emergency water purification or treatment system can provide unheard of response times and aid to regions and communities affected by a natural disaster at a cost that is both responsible and economical. Tonicaqua Labs offers emergency solutions that are incredibly compact and lightweight allowing them to be rushed in to the front line of any disaster area by pickup truck, sport utility vehicle, helicopter or airplane.

Aquapura Tablets can make an overwhelming difference to people in need of emergency drinking water around the world. They are designed for real world, worse case scenarios.
Often linked with Disaster Response, a critical part of Humanitarian Aid is the provision of safe drinking water to those in need. The challenge of Humanitarian Aid however is doing the most good with the least amount of funds. Tonicaqua Labs offers simple, emergency water purification solutions that provide safe drinking water without the need for electricity, special training, cumbersome logistics and which can be run by local community members. Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been specifically designed and formulated keeping the Emergency Water Purification Requirements for Humanitarian Aid during natural disasters. Tonicaqua Labs Healthcare offers solutions that are:- Rapidly deployable.
- Lightweight and easily transportable by vehicle, truck, small aircraft, helicopter or boat.
- One-time drops that do not require constant re-supply as compared to bottled water.
3.) Emergency Water Purification for Army / Military
The military team sometimes cannot afford to have safe, potable drinking water when on exercise or while being deployed in the field. Whether the team is on a domestic training exercise or deployed around the world, safe drinking water is of the utmost importance. Bottled water is not always available, and if it is, the logistics of moving, handling and supplying the volumes required can be a very big challenge. Compact, lightweight, rapidly deployable emergency water purification solutions must be top priority. Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been specifically designed with this application in mind.
- This water purification solution is rapidly deployable, mobile and reliable.
- It does not require electricity. Aquapura Tablets can help in giving the military team, a level of self-sufficiency and independence never before experienced by its members.
The remote team or workers usually showers in untreated and possibly contaminated lake or river water. Everyone ingests some measure of water while showering. It only takes one drop of water containing cysts such as Giardia or Cryptosporidium, bacteria or viruses to cause a reaction ranging from stomach upset to severe sickness or even death. While the remote lake or river where the team or crew is based at may look clean & fresh, it may not be suitable for drinking, cooking or showering purposes. Reliable, cost effective water purification must be a top priority to ensure the health of the crew members. Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been specifically designed with this application in mind. The costs involved with dealing with contaminated drinking water in one’s remote work place can very quickly be minimised by Aquapura Water Purification Tablets.
What are the costs and issues associated with unsafe drinking water in remote locations?- Workers compensation boards,
- Workers compensation premiums,
- Health and Safety Committees,
- Emergency evacuation of sick staff,
- Bringing in replacement staff,
- Lost time,
- Uncompleted jobs, missed deadlines.
Let us take the worry away from your job site and its remote, potable water program. Let Tonicaqua Labs eliminate your organization from the laborious and liability ridden challenge of designing your own remote potable drinking water system. Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been specifically designed with this application in mind.
5.) Emergency Water Purification - Urban Emergency When there is a powercut or failure or blackout to a routine Boil Water advisory, citizens can no longer boil their water. What if there is no way to bring in emergency bottled water to the community? What if the bottled water companies are not able to operate due to lack of electricity, lack of raw components or lack of staff? Emergency water purification must be a top priority. Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been specifically designed with this application in mind.
A disaster is often complicated by a number of issues:
- Loss of electricity restricting citizens' ability to boil water,
- Loss or road access due to ice, flooding, washouts etc. restricting the importation of bottled water,
- Loss of electricity, infrastructure and/or staff resulting in bottled water companies not operating,
- A sudden, widespread demand for bottled water will likely outstrip regional supply and capacity,
- Bottled water companies may require days to weeks to be restocked with raw goods,
- Transportation of bottled water from neighboring communities may take days, if available.
Can your community members wait? If a supply of emergency bottled water is available what are the logistics involved with such a scenario? With a minimum recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) of 5 Litres per person per day, a community of 25,000 people would require 125,000 Litres per day or 31,250 individual size 1 litre bottles. That’s over 4 truck loads of bottled water per day. A community of 100,000 people would require 500,000 Litres per day or 1,25,000 individual size 1 litre bottles. That’s over 16 truck loads of bottled water per day. The costs associated with both bottled water and the transportation of bottled water can quickly surpass the costs associated with any of Aquapura Water Purification Tablets. Tonicaqua Labs can eliminate the gap that currently exists between the time a water emergency is declared in a community and the time that a response can be arranged. If an affected community is not supplied with safe drinking water within 8 hours, citizens will have no choice but to drink contaminated water which will quickly allow a manageable situation to become an overwhelming medical disaster as symptoms of waterborne diseases such as Giardia, E. coli, Salmonella, Diarhhea, etc. will begin to be present throughout the community. Reliable, cost effective, emergency water purification must be a top priority. These Tablets eliminate the gap when an affected community members may still be drinking unsafe water & save their money. Aquapura Tablets can be used to quickly and easily provide potable water in the event of a municipal water emergency. These solutions do not require electricity and can be stored on site for use in the event of an emergency or transported into a community by truck, plane or helicopter with ease.
6.) Water Purification - Remote Communities
Do you know how much infrastructure is involved to bring in bottled water to a remote community or a fly in only community? With a minimum recommendation from the WHO of 5 Litres per person per day, a community of 2,500 people would require 12,500 Litres per day or 12,500 individual size 1 litre bottles. That’s over 17 pallets per day with a combined weight of over 14,000 Kgs. That’s over INR 4,00,000 (US$10,000) per day not including freight.
- Is that much water even available in your area at short notice?
- What if local roads or airports are closed due to a natural disaster such as flooding?
- Can your community afford the costs of flying in pallets of bottled water each and every day?
- Is their adequate infrastructure in place to fly in enough bottled water, if it is available?
- What will you drink when air shipments of bottled water are delayed or cancelled due to bad weather?
Tonicaqua Labs offers a host of emergency water purification solutions that can be used to quickly and easily provide potable water in the event of a municipal water emergency. Solutions that do not require electricity and which can be stored on site for use in the event of an emergency or transported into a community by truck, plane or helicopter with ease.
Tonicaqua Labs can eliminate the gap that currently exists between the time a water emergency is declared in your community and the time that a response can be arranged. If your community is not supplied with safe drinking water within 8 hours citizens will have no choice but to drink contaminated water which will quickly allow a manageable situation to become an overwhelming medical disaster. Symptoms of waterborne diseases such as Giardia, E. coli, Salmonella, Diarhhea, etc. will begin to present throughout the community. Reliable, cost effective, emergency water purification must be a top priority. Aquapura Water Purification Tablets have been specifically designed with this application in mind.
Eliminate the gap when your community members may still be drinking unsafe water. Save your community money. Tonicaqua Labs offers a host of emergency water purification solutions that can be used to quickly and easily provide potable water in the event of a municipal water emergency. Solutions that do not require electricity and which can be stored on site for use in the event of an emergency or transported into a community by truck, plane or helicopter with ease.